Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 18, 1992                   TAG: 9203180040
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: A-7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Smithey & Boynton, one of the region's major firms of architects and engineers, has been sold to its former president.

Kenneth L. Motley, a veteran Roanoke Valley architect, said Tuesday he has bought most of the assets and contracts of Smithey & Boynton and has formed a new firm, Motley & Associates.

Motley is the sole owner of the new architectural and engineering design company, operating with 24 employees from Smithey & Boynton.

The new firm has less than one-third the work force of 90 that Smithey & Boynton had just 2 1/2 years ago. It will have a smaller group of people geared to personal service, Motley said. He said he will work directly with clients.

The architectural and engineering firm of the 1990's will be smaller, more personalized and more personalized firm focused on specific types of projects, Motley said. "There is not that much work to go around."

He said he received Smithey & Boynton's major clients as part of the purchase.

The business was started by the late Louis Smithey in 1920; he was joined later by a partner, the late Henry Boynton. Motley said the Smithey & Boynton name will be used only at a North Carolina office.

Six stockholders of Smithey & Boynton sold the assets. The purchase price was not reported.

Motley & Associates will continue operating offices at 4818 Starkey Road and will have other offices in High Point, N.C., and Richmond.

Motley, a former chairman of Roanoke's Architectural Review Board, last year received the Alumni Distinguished Service Award from Virginia Tech. He is a fellow of the American Institute of Architects.

In a separate transaction, Van Blaricom Design Associates, a former subsidiary of Smithey & Boynton, was acquired by Peggy Van Blaricom, Elaine Frantz, Andy Stowasser and Mark Coleman. The new company employs 10 people in offices in Roanoke and Richmond. Motley said the designers work closely with his company.

Van Blaricom works in all types of interior design, especially medical interiors, and sells and installs work station divider panels used by hospitals and medical offices. Van Blaricom started the business in 1983.

 by CNB