Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 19, 1992                   TAG: 9203190040
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


A second former Virginia Tech runner has qualified for the U.S. Men's Olympic Marathon Trials in Columbus, Ohio, next month.

Brian Walter, however, did it the hard way.

Walter's time of two hours, 20 minutes and seven seconds in a Columbia, S.C. marathon last month just missed the qualifying cutoff of 2:20.0. Walter, a cross country All-America in 1989 at Tech, appealed to The Athletics Congress' Long Distance Running Committee, saying he lost time when he was forced to run off the course to get a drink.

He got good news Wednesday morning. University of Tennessee cross country coach Doug Brown, a member of the committee's appeal board, said Wednesday he confirmed there was "major confusion" at the Carolina Marathon in Columbia and said the board approved the appeal.

"I'm real psyched," Walter said.

Walter, a native of Hardy who lives in Blacksburg, will join Fincastle resident Steve Taylor and more than 100 other runners in Columbus on April 11. The top three finishers will represent the U.S. at this summer's Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain.

Taylor, a former Tech All-America who coaches the Hokies' men's cross country team, could make the U.S. team; his qualifying time of 2:13.57 is eighth best in the country as of March 15. Walter has a different goal.

"There's really not much chance of making the team," he said. "It's for experience. The main thing is to go to Columbus and improve."

Walter said the Columbia race was his first competitive marathon.

 by CNB