Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 19, 1992                   TAG: 9203190098
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: A-7   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: NEW YORK                                LENGTH: Short


The American Stock Exchange on Wednesday inaugurated a new market for tiny growth stocks designed to allow start-up and developing companies to raise money and gain visibility.

Richard Breeden, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, rang the opening bell for trading in 22 stocks. He said the new market was part of an effort to help small businesses raise capital.

"It's a reflection of the importance of small businesses to the U.S. economy," he said.

First-day composite volume for the Emerging Company Marketplace totaled 1,295,400 shares.

Nearly all the companies that began trading Wednesday on the Amex were lured from the National Association of Securities Dealers' over-the-counter market. Stock prices are set by supply and demand, rather than by dealer offers as on the over-the-counter market.

 by CNB