Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, March 20, 1992                   TAG: 9203200258
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Developer, 69, fails to repay stolen funds

HOPEWELL - A 69-year-old real estate developer was sentenced to pay $22,000 restitution to Exeter Properties Inc. after failing to comply with an earlier sentence.

George Bernard Kuchta was convicted in 1988 of embezzling at least $64,000 from Exeter, his former employer. He initially was ordered to repay that amount to the company at $500 per month until the sum was paid off. Kuchta made seven payments and stopped.

Brad Butterworth, court-appointed attorney for Kuchta, said the ex-developer`s age has kept him from finding a decent-paying job to make the $500 payments.

The judge reset Kuchta's restitution at $25,500 - $3,500 of which he already has paid. Kuchta will pay the $22,000 balance in $200 increments for the next 10 years. - Associated Press

\ Japan's car pledge doesn't wow U.S.

TOKYO - Japan says it will export fewer vehicles to the United States in the coming fiscal year, but U.S. automakers Thursday said the attempt to smooth trade relations was little more than a gesture.

The new limit - 1.65 million passenger cars - is the lowest since the voluntary ceiling was established in 1981, but it is only 5 percent less than the 1.73 million Japanese cars shipped to the United States this fiscal year. And the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association said it expected exports in the coming year to fall on their own to about the level of the new ceiling. - Associated Press

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