Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, March 24, 1992                   TAG: 9203240406
DATELINE: FLOYD                                LENGTH: Medium


Only eight people spoke at the public hearing on the Floyd County school budget Monday night.

But another 80 teachers and parents filed into the Floyd County High School auditorium to hear what was being said about the School Board's public hearing on its proposed $8.78 million budget for 1992-93.

The meeting was moved from the school administration building when 60 people crammed into the board room while another 20 gathered in the hall.

Once the meeting began, the general feeling was the proposed budget did not go far enough in meeting the needs of the teachers and students of the county.

"You see that one person standing up in the back," said high school teacher Gary Bobbitt. "If there were 134 people in this room, that would be the number of systems in the state where starting teachers make less than they do in Floyd County."

The starting salary for teachers in Floyd County - $19,280 - ranks 132nd out of 134 school systems in Virginia. The $30,515 salary at the top of the pay scale ranks 126th.

"On my teaching salary, I can't afford the cost of trips to the dentist," said Stanley Hawkins, also a high school teacher. "I can't afford the cost of medical insurance. I can't afford to give my children what others in this county give to their children."

The proposed budget includes raises an $1,150 raise for teachers - an increase of between 4.07 percent and 5.96 percent. It also increases the school system's annual medical-insurance contribution per employee to $1,395 from $972.

However, Floyd County Education Association President Reba Goff called for all salaries to be increased by the higher percentage.

And parents also supported the As a parent, I don't think we can appreciate our children if we don't appreciate our teachers. Sandra Nolen idea of giving the teachers more.

"As a parent, I don't think we can appreciate our children if we don't appreciate our teachers," said Sandra Nolen, whose daughter is in seventh grade.

Another item in the proposed budget which drew criticism are the proposed two elementary foreign language teachers. The county education association requested an advisory committee be formed to determine how to best utilize those two positions.

Elementary physical education teacher Linda King received a standing ovation when she suggested two additional elementary physical education teachers be hired. And other speakers talked about using the positions to keep class sizes low.

After the hearing, School Board chairman Bill Munzing told the crowd, "We realize that you deserve more than you're getting."

The board adjourned until Friday at 6 p.m. It also plans to meet next Monday afternoon at 3 to adopt the budget.

 by CNB