Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, March 27, 1992                   TAG: 9203270069
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-1   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Joe Kennedy
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


WHAT'S IN A NAME: Hammer, the rap star, will answer that non-musical question Thursday night when he comes to the Roanoke Civic Center coliseum.

His lively revue will include appearances by Boyz II Men, Jodeci and Oaktown 3*5*7. Tickets are on sale at the civic center box office and at Ticketmaster locations.\ \ ROCK OF AGES: "The Long March of the People of God," a hymn festival, will take place Sunday afternoon at 3 at Calvary Baptist Church in Roanoke.

The festival will be led by organist Paul Oakley of Minneapolis. He is music director of the Bach Society of Minnesota and conducts several choruses and the Bach Society Orchestra.

Sunday's program will feature hymns through the ages, including anthems by Calvary's Sanctuary Choir and congregational participation.\ \ HOMEWORK: White-pine seedlings - 1,000 of them - will be given away Saturday at the Better Living Expo '92, also known as the Home Show, sponsored by the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association.

It will be today through Sunday at the Salem Civic Center. Admission is $2.50 for the general public and $1.50 for senior citizens. Children age 12 and under get in free.

More than 130 exhibitors will show products and services to repair, remodel or build a home.\ \ LIFE IS A DANCE: Roanoke Ballet Theatre will premiere an original work this weekend choreographed by Mark and Leslie Fields and set to Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons."

The dance concert will be Saturday night at 7 and Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at Hollins College Theatre. Advance tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. At the door, the prices will be $9 and $7.

For information, call 890-6870 or 345-6099.\ \ LIFE IS A SONG: Washington-area singer-songwriter Jane Gillman will bring her soprano voice to the Third Street Coffeehouse tonight for a 9 o'clock performance.

Gillman has recorded for Green Linnet records and has traveled nationally with the Missouri Repertory Theater's production of "Woody Guthrie's American Song."

The coffeehouse, which has no phone, is in the basement of Trinity Methodist Church at Third Street and Mountain Avenue in Old Southwest Roanoke. \ LIFE IS THE BLUES: John Hammond, road warrior of the acoustic blues, will play Saturday night at 9 at the Ellington Fellowship Playhouse in Lynchburg. Doors open at 8.

Richard Gilewitz, acoustic guitarist and raconteur, will open the show.

Tickets are $12.50. Call (804) 845-2162.\ \ THAT'S LIFE: The Lynchburg Regional Ballet Theatre will perform a retrospective of its 10-year existence tonight through Sunday and April 3-5 at the Lynchburg Fine Arts Center.

The Ballet Gala will re-create some of the theater's finest classical ballet performances, in some cases with the original dancers.

Information and tickets are at (804) 846-3804.\ \ SYNCOPATION: The Mississippi Mud Jazz Band will play Saturday night at 8 in Chandler Auditorium of Southern Seminary College in Buena Vista, and for a worthy cause: The Rockbridge Area Relief Association.

A donation of $5 will be requested from adults, with students and those under 18 admitted free. Proceeds will help the hungry and needy in Rockbridge County.\ \ IN THE SPOTLIGHT: The Metro Valley Talent Showcase '92 will be Saturday night at 7 at the William Fleming High School Auditorium in Roanoke.

Performers from the Roanoke Valley and singer James Banks will appear, and there will be a fashion show. Tickets are $5. Call 362-5239 or 366-7049.

 by CNB