Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, March 27, 1992                   TAG: 9203270275
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-1   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Beth Macy
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Things were getting pretty hairy around here this week.

Nobody returned our phone calls. Ideas that seemed good just didn't pan out.

Frankly, we couldn't figure out what to put in this space - until we stumbled upon the ultimate fridaysomething guide book: "The Encyclopedia of Bad Taste" by pop-culture gurus Jane and Michael Stern.

The Sterns - who have previously documented such phenomena as Elvis, diners, '50s food and truckers - prove themselves to be truly kitsch-crazed with this anthology. Highlights include entries:

\ On Jell-O: "Jell-O is Americana in a mold. . . . Watch it wiggle; hear how it sucks at the serving spoon and plops onto the plate."

\ On perky nuns - Popular in the '60s, the Sterns cite Sally Field of "The Flying Nun" fame and Sister Adele, who tried to climb to the top of the charts with "Savez-Vous Planter les Choux?" ("Do You Know How to Plant Cabbages?")

\ On Cool Whip - "Whipped cream is fragile; Cool Whip is party hardy."

We just have one beef with the encyclopedia, which also features meat snack foods, poodles, polyester, the Home Shopping Network, feminine hygiene spray and death cars of famous people:

What's so tacky about Lava Lites?

 by CNB