Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 4, 1993                   TAG: 9303040207
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


After starting slowly in the first quarter, Cave Spring dominated the rest of its Northwestern Region girls' basketball tournament game Wednesday night, defeating the visitors from Hylton 60-31.

The Knights advance to the second round and play host to Albemarle on Friday at 7 p.m.

Cave Spring (22-3) tried to work the ball inside, but it was the Knights' passing game, steals and rebounds that put them ahead by 25 points in the fourth quarter. The Bulldogs (14-10) made four turnovers and only one of five field-goal attempts while the Knights sank two free throws and scored eight points in the first 3:12 of the final period.

"We're a much better team if we get a lot of steals and transition layups," Cave Spring coach Linda Long said.

Kelly Dierker had 18 points and pulled down 13 rebounds for the Knights. Teammate Kim Stewart, despite a sore foot, scored 10.

"We're finally playing like a team," Dierker said. "We're getting to the level we want to be playing on for the regionals and then on to state."

No one from Hylton reached double figures.

"When you play good teams, your weaknesses are really magnified," Bulldogs coach Mark Kozlowski said. "Cave Spring is a good team. They're going to be hard for anyone to beat." \

Gar-Field 49, William Fleming 45: In Dale City, Marqueetta Randolph scored 21 points and grabbed 15 rebounds, but that wasn't enough as the Colonels (13-9) fell to Gar-Field in another Group AAA Northwestern Region game.

With Gar-Field up 25-21 in the third quarter, Randolph made two baskets to tie it at 25. But 6-foot Gar-Field junior Courtney Simmons put the pressure on Randolph, holding her to one free throw in the final 11:16.

Fleming took a 44-42 lead with 2:15 to play on a jumper by Joyce Bridgette. Heather Wentworth tied the score with 1:33 left, and the Indians (22-3) went ahead on a tip-in by Courtney Simmons with 55 seconds left. Fleming missed on two opportunities to tie.

Gar-Field advances to play G.W. Danville on Friday. \

Dan Sousa contributed information for this report.

\ see microfilm for box score

by Archana Subramaniam by CNB