by Archana Subramaniam by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, March 5, 1993 TAG: 9303050325 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: B8 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
First Union may shut Kroger branchesFirst Union Corp. could close all of the "Money Market" branches Dominion Bank has operated in Kroger supermarkets. Also in jeopardy is Dominion's Church Avenue branch in downtown Roanoke.
They are on the list of 26 branches statewide that First Union is considering closing. All but six are outside Western Virginia.
A decision is expected by the end of this month.
First Union spokeswoman Brenda McDaniel said the six potential closings in Western Virginia include the office on the ground level of the Church Avenue parking garage at First Street S.W.
"Money Markets" up for closing are those in Kroger stores at Tanglewood Mall and Cave Spring Corners in Roanoke County, Lakeside in Salem, Hardy Road in Vinton and University Mall in Blacksburg.
Kroger spokeswoman Joann Boone said the company had not been notified about the study or potential closings. She said the space is leased to the bank. First Union acquired Dominion Bank on Monday. - Staff report
Briefly . . .
\ First Colony Corp., a Lynchburg insurance company, on Thursday declared a quarterly dividend of 65 cents a common share, its first since the initial public offering of the company's stock by parent Ethyl Corp. in December. The dividend is payable April 1 to shareholders on March 15.
\ Sandra M. Rowe, executive editor and vice president of The Virginian-Pilot and The Ledger-Star in Norfolk, on Thursday was named executive editor of The Oregonian in Portland, Ore. The Norfolk newspapers are owned by Landmark Communications Inc., which also owns the Roanoke Times & World-News. Rowe, 44, begins full-time duties by mid-June. She will be responsible for news coverage and editorials.