Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 10, 1993                   TAG: 9303100397
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


I READ with great interest the Feb. 19 article on the inmates in the city of Roanoke filing lawsuits, claiming cruel and unusual punishment. These criminals want more roomy cells, better food and more outdoor activities. Who the heck doesn't?

I would love a bigger house, a cook, someone to do my laundry, and time for more outdoor activities. But who am I going to sue to get it? These criminals say the conditions are against their constitutional rights. Since when should they have any rights? In my opinion, their "rights" should have been terminated at the time of their sentencing. If the judicial system made them cook and do their own cleaning, along with paying back their victims, then they wouldn't have time to file frivolous lawsuits.

They mention having more medical benefits. Ha! Somebody should be telling them that there are many working-class people (with no criminal record) who have no medical benefits. A big problem with our system today is that criminals have too many benefits and recreational activities but not enough hard labor and punishment.

How dare they complain about the food, when we have homeless people with no food and no shelter and their only recreational activity is outside looking for food and shelter! There are many homeless in this area who would rather be in jail where they get food and shelter.

Inmates should have no rights, a small space to live and no recreation. Isn't this supposed to be a time for punishment and not vacation? When you can learn to be an honest part of society, then you can buy your own house, hire your own maid and join a health club (with your lawyer).

As for the lawyer, you should have your head examined. However, I don't know of a doctor who would touch you for fear of being sued! JACKIE WIMMER SALEM

by Archana Subramaniam by CNB