Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 11, 1993                   TAG: 9303110473
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


ROBERTA A. STEWART has been named the first recipient of an award at Hollins College that recently was established in her honor.

The Roberta A. Stewart Service Award will be awarded annually to an employee of the college whose service closely reflects the standards set by Stewart in 40 years at Hollins College: long tenure, loyalty to the college and commitment to its principles.

Stewart has been a chemistry teacher, assistant to the president, dean of the college and associate dean for student affairs. She also has been chairwoman of her department and division and has directed several committee studies for the college.

\ THE CULINARY ARTS CLASS at William Fleming High School was selected as a semifinalist in the "Culinary Oscars" recipe contest, organized by Newman's Own Inc. and Good Housekeeping magazine.

The students, who entered a recipe for chicken fajitas, received a $500 honorable mention award to donate to a charity of their choice. They gave their prize to the Multiple Sclerosis Society in Roanoke, a group they have supported for years.

\ ANNE MERCHANT of Roanoke has won a purchase award in Radford University's Student Juried Art Show. Her piece was a charcoal and pastel still life.

Merchant, a graduate student in fine arts, also entered a pencil drawing in the show.

by Archana Subramaniam by CNB