Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, March 19, 1993                   TAG: 9303190269
SECTION: CURRENT                    PAGE: NRV9   EDITION: NRV 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium



\ PAUL E. TORGERSEN, the John W. Hancock Chaired Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering and president of Virginia Tech's Corporate Research Center, has been named a member of the advisory group on renewing U.S. science policy.

\ BARRY L. REECE, professor of education and coordinator of training and development in the College of Education, has been elected president of the Valleys of Virginia Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development.

\ WILLIAM G. HERBERT, professor of health and physical education and director of the cardiac and intervention center, conducted a seminar on "Angiographic Severity of Coronary Artery Disease, Beta Blockers and Diagnostic Exercise Training" at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

\ THOMAS H. HOHENSHIL, professor of counseling and psychology, has been selected by the American Counseling Association to present a series of two-day workshops in the United States and Canada on the diagnosis of mental disorders using the DSM-111-R diagnostic system.

\ ELIZABETH HOWZE, associate professor of community health education, has been elected secretary of the Public Health Education and Health Promotion Section of the American Public Health Association.

\ E. ALLEN BAME and\ WILLIAM E. DUGGER, faculty members in the Vocation and Technical Education Division, hosted "Technology Education: A Global Perspective," a conference of the International Technology Education Association in Washington, D.C.

\ THOMAS C. HUNT, director of curriculum and instruction division of the College of Education, was moderator of "Recognizing and Valuing Diversity Toward a Shared Community," a public awareness forum sponsored by the Greater Blacksburg Chamber of Commerce.

\ B. JUNE SCHMIDT, professor of vocational and technical education, has completed a term as visiting scholar at the Institute for Educational Research at the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland.

\ HANK BISHOP, KEVIN CROPPER, JOHN SUNDELIN and MATTHEW TURNER teamed as MACC Redux and won the recent Virginia Tech campus College Bowl competition. The teamrepresented Virginia Tech at the regional tournament in Knoxville, Tenn.

\ SHERRY CRUNKILTON of Blacksburg has been inducted into the Virginia Tech chapter of the Golden Key National Honor Society.

\ HEATHER ANN WEAVER, daughter of Carol Weaver of Elliston, was named to the Dean's List at Virginia Tech for the fall 1992 semester. Weaver, a 1992 graduate of Shawsville High School, is majoring in business.

\ WILLYE HARRISON-BRYAN of the Department of Entomology was one of two graduate students at Tech to receive the annual $500 student scholarship award from the Virginia Ag-Chemical and Soil Fertility Association.

\ AMES HERBERT, an assistant professor of entomology, received the Virginia Soybean Association's Research Award for 1992, recognizing a significant contribution to insect pest management.

\ SUZIE LESLIE of Blacksburg received a master's degree in wildlife science. She will join the Virginia Museum of Natural History in Blacksburg as a volunteer services supervisor.

by Archana Subramaniam by CNB