Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 24, 1993                   TAG: 9303240246
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Three teen-age boys being held on theft charges at Coyner Springs Juvenile Detention Center escaped late Monday night after overpowering a counselor.

Mark Johnson, superintendent of the unit, said the counselor had gone into the room with a mop and bucket to clean up after two of the youths had stopped up a toilet.

He said the cleanup was made more urgent because one of the youths was sleeping on a mattress on the floor.

Rooms at the facility are designed for single occupancy.

Coyner Springs, which houses youthful offenders for Roanoke and eight surrounding jurisdictions, is routinely handling 26 youths. It was built to handle 21.

Roanoke City Council this week authorized the sale of $3 million of municipal bonds, the proceeds of which in part will be used to double the capacity of Coyner Springs.

Johnson said the counselor who had gone to help the youths, ages 15 and 17, was summoned to another cell by another 17-year-old who complained of intestinal problems.

When the man opened the door of the other cell, the two youths from the flooded cell joined into the attack. They wrestled the counselor to the ground and took away his keys, which they used to let themselves out an exterior door.

Another counselor called 911, and Roanoke police and Botetourt County sheriff's deputies arrived within several minutes.

Police said although the three escapees unlocked other cells, other incarcerated youths refused to join in the escape.

The guard who was overpowered was not seriously injured and did not require hospital treatment.

All three of the escapees have criminal charges pending, police said. Their alleged offenses include burglary, automobile theft and automobile break-ins. At least one of the three youths is scheduled to stand trial for burglary and robbery in Franklin County.

Police searched the area throughout the night using tracking dogs from the Botetourt County Sheriff's Department.

The search was discontinued by midmorning after authorities found that the youths had used a vehicle to make a getaway.

"I would say they are violent offenders," Johnson said.

by Archana Subramaniam by CNB