Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, March 29, 1993                   TAG: 9303290282
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: ROCKY MOUNT                                LENGTH: Short


BROWN, Grover Franklin, 81, of Rocky Mount and Eldercare of Franklin County, died Saturday morning, March 27, 1993. He was born February 7, 1912, in Franklin County, the son of the late Ed and Libby Brown. He was a member of the Mt. Ivy Christian Church and married for sixty-one years to the former Nannie Pasley. He was preceded in death by one son and three daughters, Harold Arnett Brown, Elene Elizabeth Brown and Janice Lee Brown. Surviving in addition to his wife of Eldercare of Franklin County are two daughters and sons-in-law, Christine B. and Sherman A. Cable Sr. of Salem, Va., Evelyn B. and Hanel W. Bowles of Rocky Mount; one son and two daughters-in-law, Glenwood (Brownie) and Anges O. Bowles of Moneta, Christine McGuire Brown of Hardy; and one son-in-law, Billy L. Witt of Bedford. Also surviving are three sisters, Lena B. Perdue of Glade Hill, Zula B. Robertson of Vinton, Va. and Hattie B. Merriman of Martinsville; nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted 4 p.m. Monday, March 29, 1993, from the Mt. Ivy Christian Church by the Rev. J. D. Hunt III and Steven Pasley, Associate Minister, with interment to follow in the Pasley Family Cemetery. Visitation will begin Sunday at 3 p.m. at Lynch Funeral Home where the family will be from 7 till 9 p.m.

 by CNB