Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, March 30, 1993                   TAG: 9303300203
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Frank Beverly, who was convicted of sexual battery last week in Botetourt County and was scheduled to report to jail in Fincastle today, was charged over the weekend in the rape of a 17-year-old in Alleghany County.

Beverly, 38, of the Botetourt community of Iron Gate, was arrested early Sunday and taken to the Alleghany County Jail in Covington, where he was being held Monday in lieu of a $100,000 bond.

Alleghany Deputy Barry Brooks said that Beverly and the 17-year-old had been dating on and off for several years.

Friday night, they went out driving together and then to see friends in Clifton Forge. Brooks said both had been drinking.

About 3 a.m. Saturday, Beverly and the 17-year-old left Clifton Forge. She told Brooks that Beverly was going to drive her to her home in the southeast section of Alleghany County.

Instead, she said, she was taken to a gravel road just off U.S. 220, less than a mile outside of Clifton Forge. There, Brooks said, she was raped at least four times.

After she was driven home she reported the incident to police.

It is the fourth time Beverly has faced a rape charge.

Last year, a woman accused him of beating and raping her after they had smoked crack cocaine together in an abandoned trailer near Iron Gate.

In a plea agreement, Beverly pleaded guilty Thursday in Botetourt County Circuit Court to a reduced charge of sexual battery - a misdemeanor.

He was sentenced to six months in jail.

Circuit Judge George E. Honts III agreed that Beverly's jail term would not begin until today.

Such delays are not unusual in some plea agreements. A judge often will give a defendant several days to get his personal affairs in order.

In 1990, Beverly was acquitted of a rape charge brought by a woman who said he met her at a Roanoke party, drove her to Botetourt County and raped her seven or eight times. Beverly contended that she consented to have sex with him.

In 1984, Beverly pleaded guilty to assault and battery in Clifton Forge after being accused by an ex-girlfriend of dragging her into a thicket in Clifton Forge and raping her.

He served eight months in jail.

 by CNB