by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, January 1, 1993 TAG: 9301010098 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: B3 EDITION: HOLIDAY SOURCE: Mary Bishop (staff) DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
Botetourt County has asked the state to reconsider its rejection of a county ordinance to regulate air pollution.Attorneys for the county filed appeals Wednesday with the county circuit court and the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board, which shot down the proposed ordinance early in December.
County lawyers said the air board acted improperly because county supervisors had "fully complied" with state and local laws in writing the ordinance. They said the General Assembly has authorized local governance of air emissions.
After the board's refusal to approve the ordinance, a member said approval would have encouraged other localities to enact air-quality guidelines of "nightmarish complexity" around the state.
Botetourt County proposed the ordinance after a county industry, Roanoke Cement Co., announced plans to burn hazardous waste as a fuel. The company, now under new owners, says it has dropped those plans.
Just before Christmas, county supervisors approved a zoning change that also would restrict hazardous-waste burning. It forbids burning of the waste on limestone terrain such as Roanoke Cement's and requires companies to apply for a special county permit to burn the waste.