Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, January 3, 1993                   TAG: 9301040189
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


GILLASPIE, Frank Warren, 84, of Roanoke, died Friday, January 1, 1993, in a Roanoke hospital. He was retired from John Hancock Farms. He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Jack R. and Sandy H. Gillaspie; a daughter and son-in-law, Melva G. and Johnny Basham; a granddaughter and her husband, Donna B. and Mark Jacobs; two brothers, Willie Gillaspie and Charlie Gillaspie. Graveside services will be held Sunday, January 3, 1993, at 3 p.m. at Longwood Cemetery in Bedford by the Rev. Johnny Basham. Lotz Vinton Chapel is handling arrangements.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB