Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, January 5, 1993                   TAG: 9301050189
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Roanoke College's massacre of Millsaps (Miss.) featured its entire roster, from upstart starters to slam-happy reserves.

The hosts flipped the highlight switch and demolished the Majors 108-71 Monday in the championship of the Domino's Classic at the Bast Center.

Pick your favorite topping:

MVP Rick Becker and fellow all-tournament player Hillary Scott, who combined for 40 points, 30 in the first half. Becker added 14 rebounds.

A first half that ended with a 34-9 Roanoke run and just three Maroon turnovers.

Seven dunks, including four by six-foot-six freshman Steve Camara, who had scored just two points all season. Darnell Norman, who averages three minutes per game, added two slams.

Point guard Dustin Fonder's 14 assists in 14 minutes of playing time. Fonder dished out seven in the first five minutes of the second half, and was well on his way to the school record of 17 when he was yanked in favor of reserves.

A 21-6 second-half spurt that left the Maroons with a 43-point lead, 87-44.

"We got the rebounds, steals and fast breaks going tonight," Fonder said. "When we get running like that, we're the better team. We want to score in the 100s. We play better in the 100s."

Millsaps (4-4) hit five 3-pointers early and trailed 23-21 with 12:26 remaining in the first half. But Roanoke buried the Majors with a surge that finished in a 57-30 halftime score. Camara scored the Maroons' last six points of the half.

"I haven't played much this year, and I just have to relax when I get in," said Camara, who finished with 12 points on six-for-seven shooting. "I usually do too much thinking, and I'm fine if I just settle down."

Becker, who hit the game-winner in Roanoke's first-round win Sunday, scored 21 points and nine of the Maroons' first 19. Scott had 19 and Kevin Martin 14.

Thirteen Roanoke players scored and the Maroons (6-2) racked up 57 rebounds and 36 assists.

"[Sunday] night, we were just flat," Scott said. "We had no intensity, no enthusiasm. The way we won, by a small margin (79-77), kind of shocked us. We turned up the defense and a few notches tonight and that was the key to the game.

"When you play such good defense, that fuels the offense. We got running and that's our style. When we score in the 90s and 100s, the advantage swings our way."

In the consolation game, Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute (N.Y.) defeated Allentown (Pa.) 87-75. All-tournament selection Mike Comerford had a game-high 27 points for the Engineers.

The other all-tournament players were Phillip Robinson and Brad Price, from Millsaps, and Allentown's Mike Kearney. Robinson scored a tournament-high 52 points in two games.

Roanoke has nothing but Old Dominion Athletic Conference games remaining on its schedule. The 16-game conference stretch begins Thursday night at Randolph-Macon.


by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB