Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, January 13, 1993                   TAG: 9301130203
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: BLACKSBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


The nasty bag of basketball tricks Northside brings to every boys' basketball game had a particularly profound effect Tuesday night on Blacksburg.

All the stuff the Vikings are really good at - running the floor, rebounding, passing, the withering defensive pressure - the Indians were especially prone to fall victim to.

Not too surprisingly, the result was a 73-44 blowout victory for the Vikings.

"We've played four games in five days, and there's some wear and tear on the legs," Blacksburg guard Craig Turman said. "But you still have to go at it mentally. We didn't."

Northside (9-1), on the other hand, was sharp in both mind and body, and it showed.

The Indians tried to pound the basketball inside, and the Vikings were there. The Indians tried to run We've played four games in five days and there's some wear and tear on the legs. But you still have to go at it mentally. We didn't. Craig Turman Blacksburg guard the fast break when the chance was available, but some Viking always seemed to be there to swat the ball loose. Blacksburg tried to stop the break, but the Northside outlet passer looked like a quarterback with seven wide receivers.

Blacksburg tried to play halfcourt defense, was rarely quick enough to the proper spot and was whistled for 27 fouls that led to 41 Vikings free throws (they made 27).

Jimmy Porter scored 16 points to lead a balanced Northside attack, Kelly Dampeer added 12, Greg Pickeral had 10 and Walt Derey chipped in nine points and 14 rebounds. Point guard Nathan Hungate scored 11 and stood out as a passer on a team that uses that tool as well as any.

"Nathan and Kelly and all our guys are very unselfish," Northside coach Billy Pope said. "We have some guys who can flat-out pass. It's a lost art, but we're trying to bring it back."

Added Hungate: "He [Pope] has confidence in our passing. I feel like there's no pressure on me because I can have a bad pass but know that he knows I'll come up with a better one the next time."

Blacksburg (2-9) showed signs of hope for the future. It also showed the strain of playing home and home with four members of the Timesland top-10 (Northside weighs in at No. 4 this week). Jay Safford scored 17 and Turman added 16.

"Northside has a very good team," Turman said. "But I think we could have done a better job of executing."

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB