by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, January 14, 1993 TAG: 9301140121 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: C5 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
ETS to acquire 3 unnamed companiesETS International Inc. of Roanoke said Wednesday it plans to acquire three affiliated companies that are in solid waste management and related construction services.
ETS spokesman Marc McKenna declined to identify the companies until a definitive acquisition agreement is signed. He said they are located outside Roanoke.
The three firms have combined annual revenues of about $10 million. All have signed a letter of intent to be acquired.
ETS chairman John McKenna said the acquisition, if consummated, should provide benefits to all parties.
ETS is a technology firm that provides products and services in toxic emission measurement and control. It's stock, traded on the American and Vancouver, B.C., stock exchanges, did not trade Monday and Wednesday. - Staff report
\ Lowe's to replace its store in Roanoke
Lowe's Companies Inc. confirmed Wednesday it will build a new store at Towne Square shopping center in Northwest Roanoke. The store should be open for business in the fall.
The company said it will close its store on Orange Avenue Northeast after the new outlet is finished.
Clarissa Felts, spokeswoman for Lowe's in North Wilkesboro, N.C., said it had no announcement to make about the future of its other Roanoke Valley store, on Apperson Drive in Salem.
The new Lowe's, which will have 140 employees, will contain 115,000 square feet compared to 21,000 on Orange Avenue and 31,000 in Salem.
Lowe's said the new store will include a live nursery department, expanded lines of home improvement items, decor products, appliances and home entertainment products.
Lowe's will be its own general contractor for the project.
The announcement has been expected since September, when the company got permission from Roanoke officials for outside storage of materials at the site. - Staff report