by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, January 14, 1993 TAG: 9301140134 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: C5 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: George Kegley DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
Friday will be the final business day for Blue Ridge Transfer Co.'s Roanoke truck terminal on Hollins Road Northeast. The company will shift its furniture-hauling operations to Henry County, but its new owner doesn't know how many drivers will report to work there this weekend.The company said in December the jobs of 120 drivers and mechanics will move to Henry County while 45 office jobs remain in Roanoke. The new owner, Lily Transportation Corp. of Needham, Mass., has been recruiting employees for the move, said Blue Ridge President Jack Stanley Jr.
The sale to Lily, for an undisclosed amount, will be closed with the move to the Henry County terminal, Stanley said. He will be a consultant for the new owners.
Lily is buying terminals at Henry County and Thomasville, N.C., but it is not taking four other Blue Ridge terminals at Roanoke; Galax; Lenoir, N.C.; and Sumter, S.C. They will be kept by BRT Properties, a real estate firm, and put up for sale, Stanley said.