by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, January 15, 1993 TAG: 9301150245 SECTION: CURRENT PAGE: NRV-3 EDITION: NEW RIVER VALLEY SOURCE: DATELINE: RADFORD LENGTH: Short
Discovery Works, a children's museum in the Norwood Center, is offering winter community classes for children, youths and families of the New River Valley.The schedule includes classes in mime, dance, clowning, archeology, microbiology, soapstone carving, drawing, painting and computer music. Also, a class is being offered that uses recyclable materials to make art that will be displayed in the museum.
Most classes will be held January through March. Registration will be accepted beginning Monday. Register in person at the Radford Recreation Department, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays; or by phone on Tuesdays and Thursdays only from 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m. at 633-2233.
For further information, or to receive a calendar of classes, call the above number.