Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, January 15, 1993                   TAG: 9301150336
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


He might be just Mr. Sing-Along to some, but Mitch Miller is much more than that.

The octogenarian started his career as assistant principal oboist for the Rochester Philharmonic - at age 16. He played with the CBS Symphony under several eminent conductors. He served as head of artists and repertoire for CBS Records during the 1950s, signing up the likes of Johnny Mathis and Vic Damone.

It was in 1958 that Miller came up with the idea of sing-along albums. They were so successful that the concept was transferred to TV; his last "Sing Along With Mitch" show aired in 1965. Since then, he has enjoyed considerable success as a guest conductor, leading pops concerts with major orchestras across the country.

Upcoming engagements for Miller, who leads about 60 concerts each season, include stints with orchestras in New Jersey, Michigan and Tennessee.

Over the decades, he has developed a valuable perspective on orchestral life in this country.

"The standard of playing is much higher than when I started," he said. "Back then, if a position in an oboe section opened up, five guys might show up to audition - and that would be a lot. Now, 100 will audition - and 80 could do the job.

"We're training them very well these days. Now all we have to do is find them jobs. This country could have a real renaissance in music if a few bucks could be found for the arts."

Meanwhile, Miller will be doing what he does best - with nary a discouraging word.

"[Pops conductor] Skitch Henderson once said that I suffered from being associated with the sing along thing and that he suffered from being associated with `The Tonight Show' band. But I never suffered. At least I had a chance to conduct. What's wrong with that? I'm glad I've had a crack at this. I can't whine or complain."

And when he isn't on the podium leading his millionth sing along, Miller is enjoying other musical interests, especially opera - as a listener. A couple of seasons ago, he joined all sorts of musicians-in-the-know who flocked to the Metropolitan Opera to witness a rare U.S. appearance by brilliant German-born conductor Carlos Kleiber.

"I went to his `Der Rosenkavalier' three times. I didn't even look at the stage; I just watched his incredible conducting. He and Klaus Tennstedt [another German maestro] are my role models today."

Miller may not get much chance to emulate such men when confined to pops standards, but his repertoire includes several large-scale concertos. But, again, if he can't conduct them, he can always listen. And when he listens, he is hardly neutral.

"A lot of artists' managements are more influenced by publicity people than talent. [Russian-born pianist]) Vladimir Feltsman is a perfect example. I think he's terrible. I'm a Russian Jew myself, and I still think he stinks.

"[Recent Van Cliburn Competition winner] Alexei Sultanov is another one. Loud and fast, that's all he can do. Come on, get off it. Of course, the audience will always give him a standing ovation. They don't know what's bad. Luckily, they do know what's good."

By conductors' standards, 81 is not all that old. Miller attributes his longevity to his long-lived parents - and his profession.

"I think it's a matter of working at what you love. That's what counts."

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB