Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, January 15, 1993                   TAG: 9301150394
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: A-5   EDITION: METRO  
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


UAW votes to keep unique Saturn pact

COLUMBIA, Tenn. - United Auto Workers members have voted 2-to-1 to keep their innovative contract at the Saturn Corp. plant, but the union local leader said Thursday the referendum reflected labor tension.

More than 4,600 workers - 88 percent of Saturn's rank and file - voted on whether to keep the one-of-a-kind contract at the General Motors Corp. subsidiary. The agreement encourages worker participation in management decisions.

The vote Wednesday was 3,321 to 1,366 to keep the contract and add a skilled trades representative to the union's bargaining committee.

Dissident UAW members forced the referendum. Some union members have told the UAW they're unhappy with the contract that, among other things, sets up work units of six to 15 employees with a work-unit counselor picked by team members. The counselor acts as supervisor and union representative.

"There's been an increase of people advocating return to traditional union structure," said UAW Local 1853 President Mike Bennett.

UMW members get book on strike data

CHARLESTON, W.Va. - The United Mine Workers has distributed a 50-page workbook to its members detailing possible strategies in case no agreement is reached with coal operators by the time the union's contract expires Feb. 1.

The book tells union members there are four options once the contract has expired: Reach an agreement with coal operators, extend the contract, work without a contract or strike.

The book outlines several strike tactics and details available strike benefits. But a union spokesman denied that distribution of the book indicates the union has decided to call a strike if an agreement is not reached by Feb. 1.

Eskimo Pie to make Tootsie Roll popsicle

RICHMOND - Eskimo Pie Corp. unveiled plans Thursday for its newest frozen creation: a fruity popsicle surrounding a Tootsie Roll center.

Eskimo Pie says it has signed a license agreement with Chicago-based Tootsie Roll Industries Inc. to launch the product this spring.

The Richmond-based company said the frozen treats will come in orange, cherry and grape flavors, each with a chocolate-flavored center.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB