Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, January 20, 1993                   TAG: 9301200121
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B5   EDITION: METRO  
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Gasoline prices still at 9-month low

Self-serve regular unleaded gasoline averages $1.103 per gallon, the American Automobile Association said Tuesday. The motor club's monthly survey shows the average price is the same as reported on Dec. 29 and is the lowest recorded since April 28, when the price was $1.089 per gallon.

The average price of self-serve unleaded is highest in the West, at $1.191 per gallon, and lowest in the Midwest at $1.032 per gallon. Other prices: New England, $1.163; Mid-Atlantic, $1.137; Great Lakes, $1.096; Southwest, $1.094; and Southeast, $1.056. - Staff report

\ Briefly . . .

NationsBank Corp., Charlotte, N.C.-based banking company with offices in Western Virginia, said Tuesday it has agreed to a public offering of $400 million in 3-year senior notes. The debt issue is part of a $2.5 billion registration for corporate debt securities and preferred stock filed last year with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The 3-year notes have a coupon interest rate of 5] percent.

\ The United States sold $1.9 billion more in farm products abroad than it imported last November, the Department of Agriculture reported Tuesday. The agricultural trade surplus was $114 million lower than in October 1992, as exports declined slightly more than imports, the department said. However, the cumulative surplus for January to November 1992 was $16.6 billion, 14 percent ahead of the same period in 1991.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB