Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, January 24, 1993                   TAG: 9301240053
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C12   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


To Doug Doughty:

I really look forward to this time of year, for the usual reasons - Christmas, presents, New Year's, vacations, snow, bowls, etc. But your annual Virginia's Top 25 ranks right up there at the top for me and other college football aficionados in Timesland. It generally touches off a month-and-a-half of close sports section scanning and recruiting sportsline calling, culminating with national letter of intent signing day. Being a Virginia Tech fan, this is often a time of hope, and occasionally surprise, that they can successfully compete for the state's best despite a lack of recent success on the gridiron.

I'm sure that a lot of research and phone calls go into the formulation of your list of 100 of the state's best, and I want to assure you that it does not go unappreciated. I've been around the country since being in the Navy and have seen many local papers, but none even come close to the depth and thoroughness you put into your effort. I use your list as a check sheet on where they go and other notes, and it makes the whole recruiting season more exciting and complete.

What really gives your list credibility is that it is a very accurate assessment of their talents and capacity to make it in Division I football. I've followed Tech's state recruiting efforts closely for the past three years, and I've noticed that Tech has signed 25 Top 25 players since 1989. Since then, one has graduated and two have left for other reasons, leaving 22 on the team for '93. The Dec. 21 Hokie Huddler showed Frank Beamer's two-deep chart for '93, and 21 of those 22 were on the two-deep - only Kevin Skinner was absent, probably for medical reasons. So all are either starters or backups. I'm sure UVa has similar numbers.

So keep up the great work, we recruiting fans greatly appreciate what you're doing! Your effort really has made my holidays!


by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB