Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, January 28, 1993                   TAG: 9301280131
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


No pooled recruiting for Roanoke County

Roanoke County has backed away from a call for Roanoke Valley governments to unify industrial recruitment efforts - an idea that had little support among valley leaders.

Instead, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors asked its staff to study possible ways to improve cooperation among governments.

Supervisor Harry Nickens, who came up with the unified economic development idea earlier this month, said his main concern was to see industrial recruitment efforts intensified. He called on business executives to lead the effort.

Supervisor Edward Kohinke said the county should retain its staff to implement its own economic development strategy. - Staff report

Roanokers to take target golf to Japan

Target Golf of America Inc., a company formed by two Roanoke principals, said it has signed an agreement with Naigai Corp. to develop courses in the northern and western regions of Japan.

Target golf is a sport requiring a fraction of the land and much shorter playing time than conventional golf. A player hits balls from one tee to nine holes.

Edgar N. Weaver Jr., a Roanoke surgeon and the company's chairman, said each course takes less than 10 acres. Weaver and Ralph Perry, president, have offered the concept through Sam Hancock, a Richmond international marketer.

The Target Golf firm will be a development consultant for the first course; future operations are to be developed through a franchise system, Hancock said. The company will work on the export of clubhouse facilities and construction materials, synthetic surfaces, netting, balls, golf wear, equipment, computerized management and tee registration systems.

Naigai Corp., at Sapporo, has developed a technology to heat Target Golf courses so the sport can be played in snowy regions throughout the year, Hancock said. - Staff report

Briefly . . .

R.E. Lee & Sons Inc., a Charlottesville-based commercial and industrial contractor with projects in the Roanoke Valley, has been named an authorized builder for Varco-Pruden Buildings, a Memphis, Tenn., maker of framing systems and major structural components.

Virginia Carolina Tools Inc., a Charlotte, N.C., supplier of industrial tools, material handling equipment and die and mold supplies, has opened an office at 1435 Lakeside Circle, Salem. Jim Wagner is branch manager.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB