Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, February 7, 1993                   TAG: 9302070127
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: RICHMOND                                LENGTH: Medium


The Potomac News of Woodbridge and The Virginian-Pilot of Norfolk have received the 43rd annual W.S. Copeland Awards for journalistic integrity and community service.

The awards were presented Saturday night at the winter meeting of the Virginia Press Association in Richmond.

The Potomac News was chosen from among seven entries in the under-30,000 circulation group; The Virginian-Pilot led five entries in the over-30,000 circulation group.

The W.S. Copeland award stresses editorial leadership as well as community service above and beyond a newspaper's circulation area.

Ken Woodley, editor of the The Farmville Herald, received the VPA's sixth annual D. Lathan Mims Award for editorial leadership and service to the community.

Max M. Heath, vice president and executive editor of Landmark Community Newspapers Inc., judged the 10 entries in the Mims competition and praised Woodley's persistence and skillful writing in serving his community.

The best-in-show award for daily news presentation went to The Virginian-Pilot, while Anna Barron Billingsley of the Richmond Times-Dispatch won best in show in the daily writing category. Two Virginian-Pilot staffers - Bill Tiernan and Bill Pitzer - took top awards in the daily photography and daily artwork categories respectively.

Here are the awards won by the Roanoke Times & World-News:

Peg Bier, Steve Stinson, second, business, financial or agricultural pages; Mary Bishop, third, feature story writing; Jim Ellison, Marty Horne, Steve Stinson, Tim Van Riper, third, lifestyle or entertainment pages; Kevin Kittredge, Gene Dalton, third, combination pictures and story; Stephanie Klein-Davis, first, feature photo; Stephanie Klein-Davis, third, personality or portrait photo; Don Petersen, second, feature photo; Don Petersen, third, combination, sequence, series photo; John N. Smallwood, first, sports news writing; Chris Steuart, third, sports feature writing; Tim Van Riper, Marty Horne, Andrew Svec, third, special editions or special sections; staff, third, front page; staff, third, general makeup; staff, third, sports pages; staff, third, series of stories.

by Archana Subramaniam by CNB