Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, February 7, 1993                   TAG: 9302080272
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


IT IS becoming increasingly harder to read the newspaper or watch television these days. It seems that the only thing people are talking about is gun control or homosexual rights.

As far as I am concerned, the homosexuals have no rights! Why should 98 percent of this country (that are heterosexual) be forced to accept that the abnormalities and perversions committed by homosexuals are normal or an alternative lifestyle? The news media of this country have been using shock technique to de-sensitize the American public and to make the normal heterosexual people of this country feel that they are the ones with a problem for having a negative view about homosexuals.

As for gun control, it seems that there is a large amount of bovine-feces being spread concerning the National Rifle Association and the Bill of Rights. The Constitution says absolutely nothing about need but refers to rights many times. And since some of our so-called educated people want to throw facts around and call the NRA propagandists and scare tactitions, let's share some facts:

The NRA was chartered in 1871.

Its lobbying arm was not organized or needed until 1976.

The NRA has more than 3 million members.

It appears to me that any organization that can survive for 95 years without a lobbying group is more than a propagandist organization. The only reason the Institute for Legislative Action was formed was to combat the liberal government and their gun-control laws.

Perhaps it is time for the so-called silent majority and fence-straddlers to take sides on these issues. It might surprise some of those anti-gun/pro-homosexuals out there to find out just exactly how little support they really have. RANDY MEADOWS RICH CREEK

by Archana Subramaniam by CNB