Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, February 18, 1993                   TAG: 9302180450
SECTION: EDITORIAL                    PAGE: A-10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


IN YOUR position supporting a 20-cent health-risk-penalty tax on cigarettes, you note in your Feb. 5 editorial, "The great merit of Schewel's bill is that it is also a public-health measure."

There are some people who might see this health-risk-penalty tax on cigarettes as strictly a revenue act that will not improve anyone's health. They will say this tax is popular because it would be easier to pass in light of all the adverse publicity tobacco has been getting. But I ask these skeptics to consider how effective this type of measure will be in improving both the physical and financial health of Virginia. The possibilities are endless.

Start with junk food. Why not put 20 cents on every Big Mac and bag of potato chips? Obesity is described as a very serious health problem, so let's put a health-risk-penalty tax on all fat people.

We all know that heart disease is America's No. 1 killer, with cholesterol being a major contributor. Why not put 20 cents on every product that contains cholesterol?

And caffeine is so bad that soft-drink manufacturers have spent millions developing caffeine-free soda. Here is another chance to get a quick 20 cents on every bottle of soda containing caffeine.

What about those poor, unhealthy folks who do not get exercise, yet insist on driving or riding to work rather than getting there with a nice walk, jog or cycle? Wouldn't this be a nice place for a tax, which will not only improve our health and increase tax revenues but will reduce the need for mass transit and result in a massive saving for taxpayers.

Venereal disease, including AIDS, is one of our most pervasive and costly health problems. These diseases are spread primarily by promiscuous sex. We could put a tax on those who engage in promiscuous sex by requiring them to get a permit.

You can easily see how healthy and wealthy Virginia will become with those blessed folks who have healthy diets, habits and lives sitting back as us poor sinners pay all the bills. OLIVER SAGE HARDY

by Archana Subramaniam by CNB