Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 1, 1993                   TAG: 9303310361
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


PVT. MICHELLE L. WILLIS, daughter of Margaret L. Willis of 1429 Lafayette Blvd., has completed basic training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C.

Willis is a 1988 graduate of William Fleming High School.

\ AIRMAN LETICIA R. JOHNSON, daughter of William S. and Sibyl L. Johnson of 8863 Reservoir Road, recently graduated from basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas.

Johnson is a 1992 graduate of Lord Botetourt High School.

\ NAVY SEAMAN RECRUIT STERLING E. MOTLEY, son of Dianne W. Forrest of 3510 Lilac Drive N.W., recently completed recruit training at Great Lakes, Ill.

Motley is a graduate of Patrick Henry High School.

\ PFC. MICHAEL Y. WARREN, son of Danial C. Warren of 6122 Plantation Road, Roanoke, and Mary A. Warren of 18 Carrollton Ave., Salem, has been deployed with 1st Battalion, 8th Marines, to participate in two live-fire Combined Arms Exercises at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, Calif.

Warren is a 1990 graduate of Northside High School.

\ COAST GUARD PETTY OFFICER 3RD CLASS THEODORE A. BRATTON, a 1983 graduate of Patrick Henry High School, has been awarded the Coast Guard Humanitarian Service Medal while serving aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Chase, based in San Pedro, Calif.

He received the award for extraordinary service while participating in maritime search and rescue, marine environmental protection and national defense and law enforcement missions.

\ ARMY PVT. MICHELLE R. YOUNG, daughter of Douglas W. and Betty J. Young of Troutville, has completed basic training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C.

Young is a 1990 graduate of Lord Botetourt High School.

\ ARMY PFC. TWALA D. BRATTON, daughter of Paul L. Bratton of 3313 Pittsfield Circle and Josephine Callaway of 3728 Long Meadow Ave., has completed basic training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C.

Bratton is a 1988 graduate of Glenvar High School.

\ NAVY AIRMAN TIMOTHY A. BILBRO, son of Gary M. and Susie J. Bilbro of Buchanan, has reported for duty aboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, based in Alameda, Calif.

Bilbro is a 1990 graduate of James River High School.

\ CPL. MICHAEL S. GODSEY, son of Robert L. Godsey of Troutville, has received the Good Conduct Medal, which recognizes his service during a three-year period.

Godsey is assigned with Marine Air Control Squadron Seven at Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma, Ariz.

He is a 1989 graduate of Lord Botetourt High School.

\ COAST GUARD LT. j.g. DONALD R. DYER, son of Donald R. Dyer Sr. of 4645 Long Acre Drive and Karen S. Melton of 916 Caldwell St., was awarded the Coast Guard Humanitarian Service Medal while serving at Coast Guard Air Station Astoria, Warrenton, Ore.

Dyer is a 1980 graduate of Staunton River High School and 1984 graduate of Elon College.

\ STAFF SGT. LYLBURN C. WILLIAMS, son of Clarence A. and Patricia A. Williams of 2427 Orange Ave. N.W., has arrived for duty at Osan Air Base, Songton, South Korea.

Williams, a public affairs specialist, is a 1973 graduate of William Fleming High School.

\ AIRMAN 1ST CLASS JOHN C. KEMPER, son of Harry L. and Mary L. Kemper of 2131 Courtland Road N.E., has arrived for duty at Moody Air Force Base, Valdosta, Ga.

Kemper, an apprentice tactical aircraft maintenance specialist, is a 1992 graduate of William Fleming High School.

\ AIRMAN APPRENTICE BRIAN D. JOHNSON, son of David B. and Lesylie S. Johnson of Fincastle, has returned from a six-month deployment with Air Anti-Submarine Squadron 38, based at Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego.

The squadron was deployed to the Persian Gulf to enforce the United Nations "no-fly zone" over southern Iraq.

Johnson is a 1988 graduate of James River High School.

\ AIRMAN THOMAS W. JASPER, Jasper son of Gail W. and Patricia A. Jasper of Buchanan, has graduated from basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas.

Jasper is a 1991 graduate of James River High School.

\ MARINE PVT. MATTHEW T. WARD, son of Robert L. and Nellie H. Ward of Buchanan, has completed recruit training at Parris Island, S.C.

Ward is a 1992 graduate of James River High School.

\ MARINE LANCE CPL. PETER J. TAYLOR, son of Patsy D. Haynes of Troutville, was promoted to his present rank while serving with the 2nd Marine Division at Camp Lejeune, N.C.

Taylor is a 1991 graduate of Northside High School.

\ NAVY SEAMAN RECRUIT JAMES G. TRAYLOR, son of James W. Traylor of 6368 Peaceful Drive and Martha J. Peatry of Salem, has reported for duty aboard the frigate USS Reasoner based in San Diego.

Traylor is a 1990 graduate of Glenvar High School.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB