by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, April 1, 1993 TAG: 9303310372 SECTION: NEIGHBORS PAGE: S-5 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: BY FRANCES STEBBINS DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week; and in the Christian tradition, many programs to recall the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus are scheduled in Roanoke Valley churchesOn Monday, the first night of Passover will be observed in Jewish homes as a remembrance of the deliverance of God's people from Egyptian tyranny.
Congregations, such as Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox, that adhere to the Eastern Orthodox schedule will begin celebration of Easter on April 18.
\ UNITY OF ROANOKE VALLEY will begin services to celebrate Jesus' resurrection Wednesday at 7 p.m. with with Communion. Child care will be provided.
A meditation on Jesus' last words is scheduled from noon to 1 p.m. on Good Friday. Easter Sunday will begin with a sunrise service on the patio at 2200 Green Ridge Road. A light breakfast will be served at 7:45.
Traditional flower services will begin at 9 and 11 a.m.
\ POSITIVE PARENTING, POSITIVE DISCIPLINE is the theme of a seminar tonight from 7 to 9 at First Presbyterian Church, 2101 S. Jefferson St. Jackie Turman, guidance counselor at Mountain View Elementary School, will lead the workshop that is free and sponsored by the church's preschool and education committee.
\ ST. MARK'S LUTHERAN CHURCH has completed renovation of its worship area with new carpeting, cushions and flooring. The project is part of a major building program that includes a new wing on the rear, expanded parking area, an air-conditioned fellowship hall and rest rooms for those in wheelchairs.
\ OAK GROVE CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN, 2138 McVitty Road S.W., has scheduled the traditional Brethren Love Feast with the ritual of feet washing Sunday at 6:30 p.m. The ceremony includes a light meal and Holy Communion.
\ THE REV. THOMAS A. WOODS SR. will mark his 20th anniversary as pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church tonight through Sunday. The Rev. Paul E. Johnson and the choir of Williams Memorial Baptist Church will lead worship tonight at 7. On Friday at 7 p.m., several choirs will provide special music.
The Rev. Harold G. Preston and the choir of Wrightsville Baptist Church of Covington will lead Palm Sunday service at 3:30 p.m.
Bethlehem Church is at 3017 Ivyland Drive S.E.
\ JERUSALEM BAPTIST CHURCH, 1014 Norfolk Ave. S.W., has scheduled a Palm Sunday musical at 6 p.m. with several guest choral groups as well as the host choirs performing. Usher Board 2 is the sponsor.
\ SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH is engaged in a Lenten program to raise $19,500 by Easter. The money will be distributed, through the Potato Project ministry of the Society of St. Andrew in Bedford County, to an agricultural development in Jamaica. Church members are bringing money to be placed in a large potato sack.
A youth supper raised more than $260 for the project.
\ GRANDIN COURT BAPTIST CHURCH, whose long-time pastor retired last year, has approved an intensive self-study of the congregation to better define its ministry to the Southwest Roanoke area.
Lawrence Childs, a Charlotte, N.C., church consultant, will conduct interviews with a sampling of members Saturday and Sunday; and the whole congregation will be invited to use a questionnaire to express its views on the church's direction.
The Rev. Charles Doyle is interim pastor.
\ TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH has completed a $33,000 property improvement program that includes painting, cupola repair, lighting, guttering and partial roof replacement.
The Old Southwest church also has expanded its outreach to inner-city Roanoke youths over the past two years. An open house and talent show by those who attend weekly Wednesday training and recreation sessions is scheduled May 5 at 6:30 p.m. Volunteers from several parishes also will participate.
Deadline for religion briefs for Neighbors is Thursday. Material must be delivered to Neighbors Religion Briefs, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010, by noon in order to run in the following Thursday edition.