Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 1, 1993                   TAG: 9304010243
DATELINE: BLACKSBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


John Engstrom, who had been director of Virginia Tech's culinary services, has resigned from the university staff. He had been removed from his culinary services position in mid-December when an audit began after complaints were made against him.

Engstrom resigned Wednesday afternoon, Tech spokesman Larry Hincker confirmed. Since the audit began, Engstrom had been working in the office of student affairs, where he said he was a special assistant to Tom Goodale, vice president for student affairs.

Engstrom has accepted a position as vice president of Bon Appetit Management, Hincker said, but he was unsure where the company was located.

Engstrom could not be reached for comment Wednesday. But he said in December that he believed his department would "come out squeaky clean." Engstrom said the department recently had gone through a successful internal audit.

Engstrom said then he understood a letter outlining complaints had been sent to the state attorney general's office by a person he characterized as a "disgruntled employee."

"I'm sure when this is all over with, it's going to be one of those uncomfortable processes and I applaud the state for doing its job," he said in December.

As director of culinary services, Engstrom oversaw the university's dining halls and the on-campus catering service. He was hired in June 1990 and his annual salary was $58,800. The annual operating budget for the dining halls system is $18 million.

Hincker said in December that complaints - some major, some minor - from a number of sources led to the investigation.

Virginia Tech authorities have been investigating the complaints and conducting an internal audit, Hincker said.

The audit should be complete next week and will be sent to university management, Hincker said. Tech then has 30 days to respond before sending the report to the state administrator of public accounts.

Hincker would not discuss any findings or possible recommendations because Engstrom's resignation is a personnel matter and because the audit report has not been presented to university management officials.

But Hincker did confirm that two employees under Engstrom have been paid $35,000 in back wages after they alleged they were made to work hours beyond their schedule without compensation.

One person is still employed with Tech and received $14,000 in back pay. The other, who no longer works for Tech, received $21,000.

Sher Anne Owens is the former employee. Her attorney, Deborah Dobbins of Pulaski, said Wednesday afternoon that Owens also has filed an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint alleging sexual harassment, religious discrimination and retaliation for filing the claim.

Ed Spencer, Engstrom's supervisor and director of residential programs, is acting director of culinary services. A search for Engstrom's replacement will begin immediately, Hincker said.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB