Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 1, 1993                   TAG: 9304010412
SECTION: EDITORIAL                    PAGE: A-16   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


YOUR MARCH 20 editorial, "Sound from the sandpile," correctly states that if Gov. Wilder chooses to challenge Chuck Robb for the U.S. Senate next year, the election will be decided on the records and positions of the two men. You also do a fine job of pointing out some of the governor's proudest achievements.

But I must disagree with your claim that the governor is "obsessing over past offenses" in regards to Robb's role in the taping controversy.

Wilder remained silent through the entire investigation of Robb and his staff - with one exception. After the memo written by Robb's Richmond liaison Chris Bridge was made public, the governor spoke out at that time for two reasons:

It had become apparent that Robb's office concocted a complex campaign - including the use of Democratic Party officials - to discredit the governor.

Ms. Bridge remained under Robb's employment.

In the meantime, Robb has attempted to portray himself as a victim in the case, and has even conducted a "road tour" with his wife, Lynda, to show how much hurt this incident has caused his family. After Bruce Thompson said Gov. Wilder owed Robb an apology for all that has happened, the governor felt it was necessary to set the record straight.

The media have all the facts it needs to know about the whole affair. If those facts are reported accurately, so will the people. Wilder merely wishes for the people to make up their own minds, based on a full examination of the record.

As for any campaign against Robb, his undistinguished tenure in the U.S. Senate will provide ample grist for criticism for anyone who decides to challenge him. Virginia deserves to be represented by a senator who reflects well on our people's character. Any candidate with an accomplished record of public service, and who has lived up to high public standards, should have no trouble being elected over Robb or Oliver North.\ GLENN K. DAVIDSON\ Director of Communications Office of the Governor\ RICHMOND

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB