Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, April 7, 1993                   TAG: 9304070363
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


THE NAVY is upset over the reinstatement of the gay sailor, Gary Meinhold. It seems to me that the Navy - a service of mature(?) adults - should be able to overcome this problem. Meinhold is a 12-year veteran and, up to the time of his declaration, was a working, cooperative and cooperated-with member of the Navy. Now, all of a sudden he is a pariah.

I am sure that there are many undeclared gays in the service that are (because of their lack of declaration) liked, respected and friends with their "unsuspecting" co-workers. There have been gay people in the services since time began, people who have served well and have risked their lives for this country, as well as for "straight" servicemen and servicewomen.

Where are the adults in the Navy (and any other sector of the United States)? There is nowhere in the world that is totally free of either gays, blacks, whites, Asians, Indians, etc. You don't have to like all the different people you work and live with. But too much time and energy is being spent on bashing one group or another.

If this man is a good, dedicated, loyal sailor, then his personal lifestyle should not be a factor as long as it remains his personal lifestyle. This is true in any and all sectors of life. If we continue bashing people simply because we don't like their lifestyle, we could end up like those poor souls in Bosnia.

Shame on the Navy for the example it is setting! VICKI HAVENS ROANOKE

Editor's note: This letter was signed by two other people.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB