Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 8, 1993                   TAG: 9304080434
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: S-26   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Julie Johnson and Margaret Bright illustrate the flexibility of home-based businesses.

Both work out of their homes, and Johnson recruited Bright for BeautiControl, an image-consulting company that offers makeup, color analysis and wardrobe advice.

Bright incorporates BeautiControl products into her full-service consulting business, Bright Imagine, which she will soon operate entirely from her home.

"I've done this as a hobby for years - for my sisters and friends," said Bright, who began thinking of image consulting as a career several years ago.

When Bright recently left a position as senior international assistant at Dominion Bank to become a full-time beauty consultant, she felt she had made an important career decision. Soon, the family garage will be remodeled as a full-service salon.

"Right now it's hard to live like a normal person. I'm working out of my dining room," said Bright, a mother of three. She's been working part-time for BeautiControl for the past two years. Bright also is a nail technician.

Her regular clients include professional women who do not have time to leave their offices for beauty care. Bright visits these clients regularly and will continue to do despite the emphasis on working from home.

"You do a lot of stepping outside your comfort zone to be successful in this business. You reach to learn more, to do more. There are so many services that can be provided," Bright said.

Church groups and youth organizations contact her for seminars.

"I think it is important to show people how to use makeup in a way that is not over made-up. You can enhance your appearance and still look godly," Bright said.

"This is the most rewarding work I've ever done because you can actually see the results - you can see what effect this has on self-esteem."

In addition to her work for BeautiControl, Bright spends about 12 hours a week as an image consultant at Classic Designer, a full-service salon. She feels it is important to round out her experience before stepping out on her own. She also attends classes to keep up with beauty trends.

Johnson, whose BeautiControl career came by accident, already holds beauty seminars in her home.

She is a retired nurse who discovered after having cataract surgeries that she could no longer wear eye makeup, even though she tried several products.

One day, her hairdresser gave her a new product to try. Soon Johnson was not only using BeautiControl products, but selling them. Now, one consultant shy of being a unit manager, Johnson admits, "My success was by accident."

Johnson has 150 regular customers and a number of other recruits who have also know success with the company.

A back room in Johnson's home is her studio. She invites groups of four or fewer people into her home for beauty seminars. They receive skin-care advice, color analysis, and color-coded makeovers, including wardrobe assistance.

She takes the job seriously and takes pleasure in helping clients become more beautiful.

Johnson said people who become BeautiControl representatives must take the career seriously. A $250 investment is required for a start-up kit, and $100 per quarter must be applied towards inventory.

For information on BeautiControl, contact Julie Johnson at 774-1207 or Margaret Bright at 344-4126.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB