Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, April 13, 1993                   TAG: 9304130158
SOURCE: The Washington Post
DATELINE: WACO, TEXAS                                LENGTH: Short


As the siege of his compound entered its 44th day Monday, two letters from cult leader David Koresh indicate that he apparently is in a defiant mood and far from ready to compromise, federal authorities said.

In a letter placed outside the compound Friday, Koresh, as if speaking directly for God, expressed anger that authorities are defying him and threatened to destroy a local dam, according to federal law enforcement sources.

Authorities, concerned that outsiders sympathetic to Koresh and his Branch Davidians might move against the dam, said it is being monitored.

Excerpts from Friday's four-page handwritten letter suggest that Koresh believes that authorities should submit to his will.

The first letter was dictated to a cult member, who transcribed it, the sources said. A second letter similar in tone was sent out Saturday, FBI officials said Monday.

"I am your God and you will bow under me feet," said the first letter, addressed to "Friends" and signed "Yahweh Koresh." Yahweh is the Old Testament name for God.

Later, it said, "Look and see you fools, you will not proceed much further. I offer to you my wisdom. I offer to you my sealed secrets. How dare you turn away my invitations of mercy."

The letters did little to bolster hopes that the Davidians might surrender when their eight-day Passover celebration ends at midweek.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB