Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, April 14, 1993                   TAG: 9304140024
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B1   EDITION: STATE 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Hooters is withdrawing its sponsorship of late Winston Cup champion Alan Kulwicki's racing team.

In a statement Monday, the Atlanta-based restaurant chain said it was dropping the sponsorship because of Alan Kulwicki Racing Inc.'s plans to find a new owner and to use a temporary driver. Those efforts were not consistent with the company's goals, Hooters officials told The Charlotte (N.C.) Observer.

Kulwicki Racing is reorganizing with interim driver Jimmy Hensley of Horsepasture, Va., after the death of its owner and driver, Kulwicki, in an April 1 plane crash in Tennessee. Meanwhile, the team is seeking a new owner.

"The relationship between Hooters and Alan Kulwicki was unique," Hooters chairman Bob Brooks said in a statement. "I started with Alan on a handshake basis, and we developed a special bond. It is unrealistic to think that such a relationship could be formed with a new owner and driver in so short a time."

Brooks' son, Mark, was one of three other men killed in the crash.

Felix Sabates, who has been asked by Kulwicki's father, Gerald, to manage the racing team until a new owner can be found, said the sponsorship was dropped over a disagreement about who would be the team's driver.

Brooks wanted Loy Allen Jr., who races a Hooters-sponsored car in the Auto Racing Club of America circuit, to drive the Winston Cup car, Sabates said. Loy has no experience on the Winston Cup circuit.

Sabates said Kulwicki wanted Hensley to take over.

"I can only express my disappointment in Mr. Brooks and Hooters that they will not stand behind the team that gave them a Winston Cup championship," Sabates said.

Kulwicki won the 1992 Winston Cup points championship.

Hensley is scheduled to drive the Ford Thunderbird formerly driven by Kulwicki in Sunday's First Union 400 race at North Wilkesboro Speedway.


by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB