Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, April 16, 1993                   TAG: 9304160034
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


The biggest hurdle facing a local group's effort to land an East Coast Hockey League expansion franchise in Roanoke next season may be cleared today.

John Gagnon, the group's primary investor, said Thursday he's confident he will reach an agreement in principal on a lease agreement with the Roanoke Civic Center in a scheduled meeting today with building manager Bob Chapman.

"The deal should come to a close at noon [today]," Gagnon said. "Bob Chapman and I have convened that when we get out of there it's going to be over. We'll have an agreement because we're tired of sending letters to each other. So we said, `Let's sit down and iron this out.'

"We're only inches apart, whereas three weeks ago, we were 50 miles apart. And when the deal is struck, there are no more fences in front of us."

Chapman wouldn't speculate Thursday on the chances of an agreement being finalized today, but quickly noted, "I'm very optimistic right now."

"We're closer than we've ever been," Chapman added. "There's just a few minor details that need to be cleared."

Chapman said any agreement would be contingent upon an OK from the Roanoke Civic Center Commission. A source close to the situation said the commission's approval is considered to be a given.

If he secures a lease agreement, Gagnon said his next step would be to submit a formal application to the ECHL for a 1993-94 expansion franchise. The application must include a lease agreement and a $100,000 down payment on the league's $500,000 franchise fee.

The final step would then come down to a vote among the ECHL's club owners in a league meeting at Freeport, Bahamas, on May 5-6. An early poll of several current club owners indicates that Gagnon's bid would be accepted with little opposition.

"I don't foresee any snags there," Gagnon said. "We were told if we sent in our application by next Friday we'd have an answer by May 6.

"We're confident this thing is going to roll. We should be open for operation by the middle of next month."

Gagnon and his partner, Pierre Paiement, have been doing the hustle the past few weeks. Besides the ongoing negotiations with the civic center, the duo has been putting in a lot of hours searching for an NHL affiliate and head coach.

Paiement interviewed one of three coaching candidates earlier this week. Gagnon said another candidate will be interviewed next week. Gagnon refused to identify them, since at least two are currently under contract with other teams.

"Our goal is to put a good team on the ice the first year," Gagnon said. "We all know that's going to be pivotal to our existance. If we put a poor team out there like this season [the now departed Roanoke Valley Rampage won only 14 of 64 games], I can't imagine doing a second year."

Gagnon spent last week in Los Angeles, meeting with Kings general manager Rogie Vachon about a possible working agreement for players.

"The Kings were not affiliated with the ECHL last year and that's why they were interested in talking with me," Gagnon said. "Getting my foot in the door was my main concern. But those people knew about the ECHL and everybody was very receptive to me. I didn't have to say ECHL twice to them. I was a little surprised.

"The NHL playoffs are getting ready to start, so that's got everybody tied up now. When the playoffs are over, I think I can make a deal."

Gagnon, a Montreal native who owns a trucking firm in Alleghany County, said he and Paiement, a former hockey player who now operates a Roanoke County restaurant, have come too far now to back off.

"We're starting to get some dividends here," Gagnon said. "I think it's going to happen. I'd certainly hate to think we've done all this work for nothing."

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB