Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, April 17, 1993                   TAG: 9304190226
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


Phil Elmassian

Greatest coaching influence: "[Ferrum] Coach [Hank] Norton's No. 1. The type of person he is. Hank and Ferrum affected my life in three areas, professionally, personally and academically."

You won't believe this, but a player once actually said to me: "I've had players at Syracuse on the headsets [during games] come on the phone and say, `Pizza Hut, you want a delivery?' I laughed my [butt] off."

The best part of watching game/recruiting films is: "Seeing a young man who you can project as going through maybe some of the experiences of players you've coached: `Boy, he's like so-and-so.' "

The worst part: "When you really felt a youngster can do something and he hasn't had the kind of success you'd [hoped]."

I'll never forget having coached...: Among others, Elmassian remembered former Hokie cornerback Billy Myers, who had 53 tackles, three interceptions and five pass breakups on Tech's Peach Bowl winners in 1986: "He used all the talents he had. Billy wouldn't have gotten drafted in the Army, but was good enough to win 10 games here."

If you could give a player only one sentence of advice the day he graduates, it would be: "Look for the good in other people."

\ Bryan Stinespring

Greatest coaching influence: "Billy Hite. I have always been impressed with the relationships he built with his players and his ability to produce their very best effort every single day. [Also] Pete Brubaker, Lexington. Truly a man of discipline and determination who has great respect for the game."

Favorite quote I use that no one knew I stole from another coach: "I coach a positive attitude. [Like] the 90 year old man who married a 25-year-old woman and bought a five-bedroom house next to an elementary school."

Favorite original quote: "There are two thieves in this world, the regrets of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow."

You won't believe this, but a player once actually said to me: "Coach, you told me to block `four' [the fourth person lined up], but nobody was wearing No. 4."

If you could give a player only one sentence of advice the day he graduates, it would be: "The quality of your life is determined not by what happens to you during the course of a day, but how well you respond to what happens."

I'll never forget having coached...: "Eugene Chung. Eugene had tremendous ability and skills as a football player. Despite all these gifts, he was still as coachable the last day of practice as he was the first. When football was over, Eugene was Eugene the individual."

\ J. B. Grimes

Greatest coaching influence: "Larry Beightol, offensive line coach, New York Jets. He is a great fundamentalist and teacher."

Notable recruiting story: At Northeast Louisiana, Grimes needed word from other members of the staff on whether to continue recruiting a safety in Pine Bluff, Ark. "I talked to the head coach, who said, `[The secondary coach] said don't recruit him.' " Grimes was ready to leave his hotel room to tell the player he no longer was interested. "The phone rings. It's the defensive coordinator. He says, `[The secondary coach] and I were talking about two different guys. Recruit the guy.' " Grimes later signed Jackie Harris, who caught 65 passes one year in college and now plays for the Green Bay Packers.

If a fan switched places with you for one gameday, what advice would you give him/her: "Remember this: Not everyone can be a doctor or lawyer or engineer, but everyone in that stadium, in their minds, can be a coach, so don't let it get to you."

I'll never forget having coached: "Jim Mabry, All American at Arkansas. When he came to Arkansas he was 225 pounds at 6-3. By the time he was a senior he was 280 pounds drug-free. He carried a 3.7 GPA. He played every snap like it was his last one. Did Jim play pro ball? Heck, no. He lost [weight] back down to 225, got a well-paying job, is married and doing the same thing on the job that he did on the field."

If you could give a player only one sentence of advice on the day he graduates, it would be: "Be on time."

\ Rod Sharpless

Greatest coaching influence: `My high school coach, the late Gideon Johnson of Jacksonville, N.C. His coaching style was different and his players responded. We played because we loved Coach Johnson."

Favorite quote I use that no one knew I stole from another coach: "The most important ingredient in your gym bag is your attitude!"

Favorite original quote: "There are no limits on what you can do in life except the limits that you set on yourself."

If you could give a player only one sentence of advice on the day he graduates, it would be: "Believe in the path you have chosen, even when it's hard."

If a fan switched places with you for one gameday, what advice would you give him/her?: "Never second guess yourself!"

I'll never forget having coached...: "John Shannon, University of Kentucky. Walked on at Kentucky. Received scholarship; started two years, played in a bowl game and played with the Chicago Bears. Developed himself to be a success story."

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB