Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, April 18, 1993                   TAG: 9304180213
SECTION: HORIZON                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


THE HEIRESS BRIDE. By Catherine Coulter.Putnam. $19.95

A remarkably delightful heroine, Sinjun by nickname, sets this historical piece, Catherine Coulter's latest novel, pleasantly apart from many of the genre.

The novel begins in 1907 in Scotland when Colin Kinross, the seventh earl of Ashburnham, swallows his pride and sets off for England to snare, for both himself and his moldering estates, a wealthy bride. Sinjun - Joan Sherrooke - spies him at a society ball and becomes even more interested when she overhears his quest.

Herself wealthy and, according to her mother, destined to become a spinster, Sinjun calmly offers herself and her wealth to an astonished Colin.

The ensuing plot, filled with an elopement, decidedly odd Scottish relatives, dangers from a rival Scottish family, surly step-children, and the odd ghost, proceeds fairly predictably but offers a few new twists.

The most delightful element in the novel, however, continues to be Sinjun herself - Just when we get to know her, though, Sinjun appears to disappear as, according to the dust jacket note, "The Heiress Bride" is the last in Coulter's "Bride" trilogy.

Harriet Little teaches at James River High School.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB