Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, April 19, 1993                   TAG: 9304190052
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: LYNCHBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


The Virginia Press Women's Association on Saturday announced the winners of 230 individual awards in 86 categories of its 1993 communications contest.

Sylvia Weinstein of the Weinstein Agency in Newport News took the sweepstakes award, winning 13 second- and third-place awards.

The 86 first-place winners will advance to compete in the National Federation of Press Women's annual communications contest.

Winners from the Roanoke Times and World-News circulation area:

Su Clauson-Wicker, Virginia Tech: first for publication regularly edited, general or specialized.

Clara B. Cox, Virginia Tech: second for one-to-three color newsletter, nonprofit and educational.

Glenna Elledge, Saltville News-Messenger: first for editorial, nondaily less than 5,000 circulation; second for news story, nondaily; and third for general columns.

Loretta N. Gillespie, Saltville News-Messenger: first and third for news story, nondaily, less than 5,000; first for editorial, nondaily; first for single pages regularly edited, nondaily; first and second for sections or supplements edited, infrequent, nondaily; second for feature story, nondaily; and third for page layout, nondaily.

Sally L. Harris, Virginia Tech: first for feature story, internal publication; second for page layout, general or specialized publication; and third for news story, internal publication.

Sookhan Ho, Virginia Tech: first for one-to-three color newsletter, nonprofit and educational; and first for four-color brochure, nonprofit and educational.

Mary C. Holliman, Virginia Tech: first for internal annual report; first for one-to-three color brochure, nonprofit and educational; second for single sheet poster, not-for-profit special event; and third for four-color magazine, cover only.

Mary Ann H. Johnson, Virginia Tech: third for news releases, campaign, for the media.

Lynn A. Nystrom, Virginia Tech: second for institutional relations, nonprofit and educational; and first place for single media news releases.

Kathryn P. Sevebeck, Virginia Tech: second for manuals and handbooks; and third for four-color brochure, nonprofit and educational.

Jay Taylor, a free-lance writer who is a correspondent for the Roanoke Times & World-News: first and third for news story, general or specialized publication; second for news story, nondaily 5,000 or more; second for personality profile; third for news story, daily 50,000 or more.

Susan Trulove, Virginia Tech: second for catalog, educational institutions; third for feature story, internal publication; and third for four-color magazine, cover only.

 by CNB