Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, April 20, 1993                   TAG: 9304200063
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: MIAMI                                LENGTH: Medium


Sam Jankovich has ruled himself out as a candidate for his old job as athletic director at the University of Miami.

Hurricanes athletic director Dave Maggard announced Saturday that he's leaving next month to become director of sports for the Atlanta Organizing Committee at the 1996 Olympic Games.

Virginia Tech athletic director Dave Braine, a finalist two years ago, could again be a candidate.

"Obviously I was interested the last time," Braine said. "You don't ever say no to anybody. I sure would talk to them."

Miami president Edward T. Foote said speculation about individuals was premature.

"We will not be in a rush," Foote said. "We will take whatever time we need to find someone to succeed Mr. Maggard."

Jankovich, meanwhile, said, "I'm not interested." He left Miami two years ago to become chief executive officer for the New England Patriots. He was fired at New England after last season.

"I'm going through a process to see what I'm going to do with the rest of my life," Jankovich said while visiting his son over the weekend in Miami.

North Carolina athletic director John Swofford, the favorite of the Miami search committee before Maggard was hired in 1991, also eliminated himself from consideration.

The strongest local candidate may be former Miami baseball coach Ron Fraser, 56, who said he is interested in the job. Fraser's health could cloud his candidacy, however; he retired as baseball coach last year partly because of an aneurysm in his stomach that doctors continue to monitor.

Paul T. Dee, vice president and general counsel of the university, will become the interim director of athletics when Maggard leaves in May, Foote said.

 by CNB