Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 29, 1993                   TAG: 9304290089
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AT&T, MCI pick up 800-number pace

WASHINGTON - The nation's two largest long-distance companies took shots at each other Wednesday as the pace quickened in their battle over the $9 billion 800-number telephone business.

MCI Communications Corp. flaunted $170 million worth of toll-free-number holders it had wooed away from AT&T. And AT&T said it had acquired $140 million in new business from various carriers.

AT&T owns about 80 percent of the 800 market and MCI about 12 percent.

But in the 90 days starting Saturday, businesses that use an 800 number are free to move the number to another carrier for the first time since the toll-free industry began.

The Federal Communications Commission ordered the window of opportunity to enhance competition for the service. - Associated Press

\ IBM executive plans August retirement

Jack D. Kuehler, IBM's chief technology officer, said Wednesday he would retire at the end of August, saying he'll spend his remaining time promoting advanced-technology projects intended to restore profitability at the ailing computer giant.

Unlike the January resignation of the chairman, John F. Akers, the retirement of Kuehler comes as no surprise. At the company's request, Kuehler has stayed beyond its retirement age of 60. He will turn 61 on Aug. 29. - The New York Times

 by CNB