Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 29, 1993                   TAG: 9304290132
SOURCE: Southwest Bureau
DATELINE: ABINGDON                                LENGTH: Medium


James G. Tilley III, co-owner of Whitten Electric in Bristol for the past three years, has been named director of Virginia Highlands Community College's Small Business Development Center.

The center was set up to help people start or expand businesses with five to 100 employees. Across the nation, almost 80 percent of all businesses fall into that range.

Small businesses also are the main employers in the college's service area, covering Washington County, the city of Bristol and western Smyth County. Support for it is being sought from the governing bodies in those jurisdictions.

"This center will allow anyone who wants to start a business or expand a current operation to receive professional counseling and direction that will help the business move in a positive direction," Tilley said.

"We will offer free counseling, training, open doors to possible financial resources, and even help a person fill out the appropriate forms for a business."

Tilley was employed by Bristol Steel in various managerial positions for 19 years before joining Whitten Electric. He has bachelor's and master's degrees from Georgia Institute of Technology in the industrial management field.

"This center will allow all of the citizens in the college's service area to get a head start on establishing or expanding a business," said Hubert J. Ashe, director of the college's Office of Continuing Education. "We are pleased to have someone of Mr. Tilley's experience and qualifications to join us in helping the small business community."

Further information is available by calling 628-6094, 466-3444 or 783-6645.

 by CNB