Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 29, 1993                   TAG: 9304290339
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Kimberly Lowe of Cave Spring High School was named a Grand Award winner at the Western Virginia Regional Science Fair April 3.

Her project, "Prehistoric Native American Burial Orientation in Southwest Virginia," earned her an all-expense-paid trip to the International Science Fair, May 8-15, in Mississippi Beach, Miss.

Lowe also was awarded a four-year $2,000 renewable scholarship from Roanoke College and a $1,000 scholarship from Hollins College for the outstanding project by a female.

Brian Burks of Northside Junior High School was named alternate winner.

Category winners receive $1,000 Roanoke College scholarships for one year. First-place winners receive one year's tuition to Virginia Western Community College. Cash awards also were given: $30 for first place, $20 for second and $15 for third in each category.

Category and other award winners are:

Physics and computer science - Wes Wright, Governor's School (Patrick Henry), first; Bryan Saunders, William Byrd, and Katie Hart, Roanoke Valley Christian, second; Anna Rae, Cave Spring Junior High, and Todd Loritsch, Salem, third; William Nickles, Salem, honorable mention.

Chemistry - Deepa Channaiah, Governor's School (William Byrd), first; Erin McCulley, Patrick Henry, second; Jonathan France, Governor's School (Franklin County), third; Beth Guthrie, Lord Botetourt, honorable mention.

Biochemistry - Ellen Nedrow, Patrick Henry, first; Maryann Elacate, Northside, second; Candace Cooper, William Fleming, third.

Botany - Debbie Wilson, Patrick Henry, honorable mention.

Behavioral and social sciences - Erica Campbell, Governor's School (Patrick Henry), and Jennifer Ferrell, William Fleming, first; Tomasz Turowski, Governor's School (Cave Spring), and Rebecca Hogan, Governor's School (Patrick Henry), second; Joe Do, Governor's School (Patrick Henry), third; Michelle Fowler, Cave Spring, honorable mention.

Medicine and health - Leslie Burdett, Cave Spring Junior High, first; Erik Rosolowsky, Cave Spring, second; April Updike, Roanoke Valley Christian, third.

Environmental sciences - Jason Sprinkle, Governor's School (Lord Botetourt), and Kate Brammer, Governor's School (Craig County), first; Catherine Airey, Governor's School (Northside), and Jennifer Daum, Patrick Henry, second; Tania Conner, James River, third; Kristi Alger, Governor's School (Patrick Henry), honorable mention.

Engineering - Brian Burks, Northside, first; Jamie Yeakle, Governor's School (Lord Botetourt), and Craig Fifer, Governor's School (Patrick Henry), second; Jeffrey Breneman, Roanoke Valley Christian, and Shawn Talmadge, Governor's School (Patrick Henry), third; Jenny Leonard, Roanoke Valley Christian, honorable mention.

Zoology - Mark Feldman, Governor's School (Patrick Henry), first; Gregory Willoughby, Cave Spring, second; Dang Ho, William Fleming, honorable mention.

Earth and space sciences - Kimberly Lowe, Cave Spring, second; Anthony Yeatts, Governor's School (William Byrd), third; Sara Gubala, Salem, honorable mention.

American Waterworks Association Special Award - Erika Woodson, James River, first; Allison Waymack, Glenvar, honorable mention.

U.S. Metric Association Award - Beth Guthrie, Lord Botetourt.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Award - Michael Bonilla, William Fleming.

U.S. Army Awards in various areas of science - Gene Senter, Salem, first; Wes Wright, Northside; Todd Loritsch, Salem; Catherine Airey, Governor's School (Northside); and Jenny Leonard, Roanoke Valley Christian, second.

Science Museum of Western Virginia Spotlight Awards:

Physics and computer science - Wes Wright, Northside; Jonathan France, Governor's School (Franklin County).

Biochemistry - Ellen Nedrow, Patrick Henry.

Behavioral and social sciences - Tomasz Turowski, Governor's School (Cave Spring).

Environmental sciences - Jennifer Daum, Patrick Henry.

Engineering - Craig Fifer, Governor's School (Patrick Henry).

Zoology - Gregory Willoughby, Cave Spring.

NASA Award - Ryan Danner, Cave Spring.

U.S. Navy and Marine Awards in various fields of science - Shawn Talmadge, Governor's School (Patrick Henry); Ryan Danner, Cave Spring; Brian Burks, Northside Junior High.

National Association of Biology Teachers Award - Mark Feldman, Governor's School (Patrick Henry).

American Meteorological Society Award - Anthony Yeatts, Governor's School (William Byrd).

American Society for Microbiology Award - Kate Brammer, Governor's School (Craig County); Kelley Orr, William Fleming.

Hollins College Sigma Xi Awards in Chemistry and Botany or Zoology - April Updike, Roanoke Valley Christian.

Association for Women Geoscientists Award - Kimberly Lowe, Cave Spring.

Iota Sigma Pi National Honor Society for Women in Chemistry Award - Deepa Channaiah, Governor's School (William Byrd).

Smoke-Free Society Award - Rebecca Ivey, Governor's School (William Byrd).

Junior Engineering Technology Society (JETS) Award - Jamie Yeakle, Governor's School (Lord Botetourt).

Yale Science and Engineering Association Special Award - Craig Fifer, Governor's School (Patrick Henry).

 by CNB