Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 29, 1993                   TAG: 9304290419
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


When Ghalen Moore was offered the job coaching the North Cross girls' soccer team this spring, she needed the approval of daughters Amy and Heather.

"I mentioned to the North Cross people I had two children I needed to talk to because they played at Salem and the two schools always play each other [in girls' soccer]," said Moore.

No problem for Moore, who reports that Heather and Amy said, "Go for it, Mom."

So Ghalen Moore went for it, following Jerry Maycock, who took over coaching boys' tennis, as the girls' soccer coach at North Cross.

All this is not surprising in a family as sports oriented as the Moores. Ghalen Moore is a physical education teacher at North Cross while Heather and Amy play three sports - basketball and volleyball in addition to soccer - at Salem High.

Moore has coached both daughters in recreation soccer and basketball with help from her husband, Jim.

Last week, after a postponement by rain, it was a Moore family affair as Salem beat the Raiders 6-0. In fairness to Ghalen Moore, though, North Cross was hampered by the absence of several regulars, including the Raiders' best player Brandy Markell, who was out with a sprained ankle.

Heather Moore scored two goals to help beat her mother.

Amy didn't play against her mother. She was serving as a special assistant coach to Salem's Kathy Tucker after tearing a ligament in her left knee. That will require surgery later this spring.

Meanwhile, Jim Moore assumed a position at midfield, not wishing to take sides between the rest of his family.

"It wasn't that emotional because I have friends on both teams," said Jim Moore. That's because Heather and Amy, who are select team players, have played on other teams with some of the North Cross girls, and the Moores have traveled with these squads in the summer and fall.

"I know how good friends play [sports] against each other a lot. They might be best friends, but they go out, do what they have to do and forget about friendship," said Ghalen Moore of the contest against her daughters.

Still, Ghalen Moore needed to concentrate on her team and keep from watching Heather Moore as she might do if the Spartans were playing someone other than North Cross.

"She [Heather] was pretty dominant, and it was hard to miss her. I thought she had one of her better games, but I didn't lose concentration because the North Cross kids are like my kids," said Moore. "They're pretty special, and I have this big family."

Heather Moore admits the first thought she had when her mom announced she was taking the North Cross job was "that she'd be coaching against me. But it was no big deal. I had played against Amy in select soccer and it was fun. It wasn't real tense."

Pregame activity was minimal. "We didn't talk that much about it. She'd joke and say, `We're going to get you,' " Heather said of her mother.

At the end, as the teams shook hands, "she gave me a hug because everyone knows she's my mom. I wasn't embarrassed," Heather said.

"It was a friendly game. I shook all the Salem players' hands, and I might have hugged Heather a little as we went down the line. It was teasingly, like what are you doing [beating us?]," said Ghalen Moore.

"Really, it was more emotional when I assisted Jerry Maycock last year. That was the first time to be on the opposite field from Heather."

For Amy, it was a bit more difficult. "It was a challenge. I just wanted mom to see how our team played. I wanted to win, of course. But I told mom the outcome doesn't matter. She said, `Definitely.'

"Actually, we haven't talked about the game that much since it was over."

"We have a very competitive family. Both teams wanted to win. I didn't give any thought to Ghalen coaching if she could help North Cross and our daughters would still be competitive," said Jim Moore, summing up the day.

In the second meeting this past Monday between mother and daughter, the result was closer but still the same as the Spartans won 1-0 in overtime on a goal by Andrea Jones scored off a corner kick by Heather Moore.


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