Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SUNDAY, May 2, 1993 TAG: 9305030277 SECTION: EDITORIAL PAGE: F-2 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
If I argued that abortion is wrong and is murder, many would claim I'm trying to impose my beliefs on others. Instead, I will argue for the safety of women. There have been many botched abortions done by doctors in a hurry, which sometimes causes a woman to need surgery or other treatments to repair what was done. It's even worse for teen-agers who aren't required to tell their parents or aren't informed about the possible dangers. For instance, there was a girl in New York whose mother had to sign permission papers so her daughter could have surgery to repair what an abortion had caused. KATIE HART ROANOKE