Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, May 5, 1993                   TAG: 9305050133
DATELINE: LEXINGTON                                LENGTH: Medium


Thirteen members, faculty and students, received honors for teaching, service, coaching and scholarship during Virginia Military Institute's annual awards convocation Tuesday.

Distinguished Teaching Awards were presented to Lt. Col. Thomas H. Crawford, associate professor of English, and Col. Patrick M. Mayerchek, professor of political science and director of the international studies program.

Capt. Charles J. Steenburg Jr., an instructor in politics, received the Thomas Jefferson Teaching Award.

Col. Mike E. Monsour, Joellen Bland and Ivan Branch were given Distinguished Services Awards. For Monsour, a professor of modern languages and special assistant to the superintendent for counseling, it was his second Distinguished Services Award. He also was a recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award. Bland is director of the VMI theater, and Branch is a laboratory mechanic for the department of physics and astronomy.

The Distinguished Coaching Award was presented to Keydet track and cross-country coach Michael L. Bozeman. He was the first recipient of the award, in 1988.

Maj. Timothy P. Duggan, assistant professor of chemistry, and cadet John R. Timmons, first-class chemistry major, received the Wilbur S. Hinman Jr. '26 Award. Created by the directors of VMI research laboratories, the award recognizes superior achievement by a cadet in the performance of research and recognition for his faculty sponsor's effort to encourage cadet participation in such research.

Col. Daniel Y. Pharr, professor of chemistry, received the Matthew Fontaine Maury Research Award. The honor recognizes the performance or promotion of research by a faculty member. Pharr was the winner of the 1992 Hinman Award.

Joylon R. Constable, Jason E. Doering and Christoffer B. Lagerholm were awarded faculty merit scholarships. Constable is a third-classman majoring in international studies for the humanities. Second-classman Doering is an electrical engineering major. Lagerholm, also a second-classman, majors in chemistry.

 by CNB