Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, May 6, 1993 TAG: 9305060132 SECTION: NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL PAGE: A18 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: Associated Press DATELINE: BOSTON LENGTH: Short
The microbe, which probably infects people all over the world, causes what researchers describe as "explosive watery diarrhea" that typically lasts up to five weeks.
The parasite was first seen under the microscope in Peru eight years ago. But its identity was a mystery. Some thought it was a form of cryptosporidium, the protozoa that contaminated municipal drinking water in Milwaukee. Others guessed a kind of blue-green algae or perhaps a flagellate, a microbe with a whip-like tail.
Now, they have found that the bug, which is still unnamed, is a form of protozoa of the coccidian genus cyclospora. Cousins of this microbe are widely recognized as a major problem among farm animals, but this is the first time it has ever been found in humans.